February 7-8, 2020
Dr. Rich Knopp, on behalf of Room For Doubt, will present three sessions for this amazing achievement in camp ministry. Room For Doubt is a special program at Lincoln Christian University (Lincoln, IL) that encourages questions and addresses doubts about the Christian faith.
In addition to the sessions at Howell’s Mill, Rich will be preaching at Gateway Christian Church in St. Albans, WV on Sunday, Feb. 9, at 9:30 and 11:10 AM. Message title is “Dealing with Doubts in a World of Science.”
Sessions and Handouts
Thanks for joining us as we wrestle with tough questions and doubts about the Christian faith (and have some fun in the process). In addition to this website, make sure you check out Room For Doubt, a space where you can ask questions and find some direction Also be sure to download the free Room For Doubt app for iOS and Android.
1. Becoming Better Shepherds in a Society of Skeptics and Wandering Sheep. (Friday night). Handout with Answers.
- PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Adult church leaders and family leaders.
- How is our culture changing our church?
- Why are young people wandering away from the church?
- How can church and family leaders more effectively shepherd and strengthen the faith of their sheep?
2. Bring It B4 God: Beauty, Brawn, Brain, and Business. (Saturday morning). Handout.
- PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Middle School and High School Youth.
- What does God want from me?
- What is a “Christian Worldview” and why is that relevant to my life?
- What would it mean to love God in my perception of beauty, in what I regard as “super strong,” in the use of my brain, and in my choice of a career?
3. Strategies for Defending Your Faith. (Saturday afternoon). Handout with Answers.
- PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Upper High School and College.
- What are the most difficult faith-challenges for young adults?
- How can I retain and reinforce my Christian faith when others are walking away?
- How can I effectively relay my faith to the skeptics around me?
Additional Resources
- Graphic on “Living a Christian Worldview.”
- Recommended Resources. Includes books (with annotations), websites (with descriptions), and some links to videos. Separate resources (1) for Church Leaders; (2) for Teens & Young Adults; and (3) on Science and the Christian faith.
- Chart: “Earliest New Testament Books & Events.“
- Chart: “New Testament Canon Timeline.“
- Chart: “New Testament Greek Manuscript Timeline.“
- Slides (if available)
- Recordings (if available)
- Pictures (if available)
Email your questions or comments (before, during, or after the event).
Dr. Richard Knopp
- Executive Director of Room For Doubt, a Christian apologetics initiative for churches, schools, camps, conferences, conventions, and campus ministries.
- Past Program Director of Worldview Eyes, a program to help youth and adults understand and consistently live a Christian worldview.
- Professor Emeritus of Philosophy & Christian Apologetics and past Program Director of the M.A. program in Philosophy & Apologetics at Lincoln Christian University, Lincoln, Illinois. Rich taught undergraduate and graduate courses in worldview studies, ethics, logic, science & Christianity, philosophy of religion, and engaging contemporary mindsets.
Rich has a B.A. in Christian Ministry, an M.A. in Philosophy, an M.Div. in Theology & Philosophy, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy. His doctoral work focused on the relationship between philosophy of science and religious truth claims.
For more biographical info, click HERE.