Learning to Love God in a World of Options

(This four-part series is currently in development)

Primary Goal

To lead teens and young adults to have a stronger Christian faith, learn to love God more deeply, and live for God more faithfully.

Objectives of this Four-Part Series:

  1. Offer a strong foundation in basic Christian theology.
  2. Explain the core beliefs of Christianity in the context of other world religions and different Christian denominations.
  3. Survey and evaluate major non-Christian worldviews.
  4. Provide a persuasive case for the truth of Christianity.

This curriculum will enable Christian students to love God more deeply and share their faith more confidently and effectively.

Lesson Components

  • Video Teaching (about 20 minutes).
  • Leader Guide with teacher resources and instructions.
  • Student Guide to use during and after each lesson.
  • Parent Guide to prompt valuable conversations and activities.

Sections in Each Lesson

  • Let’s Kickoff:  Introductory questions or activities.
  • Let’s Learn:  The main video teaching material.
  • Let’s Interact:  Questions for group discussion.
  • Let’s Do Something:  Activities to help apply the lesson during the week.
  • Let’s Meditate:  Scriptures and devotional thoughts to use during the week.
  • Let’s Go Deeper:  Relevant resources that are easy to access.

Lesson Titles

Part 1:  Learning to Love the God of the Bible

  1. Learning to Love God
  2. God is the GOAT
  3. God is the Creator
  4. God is All Powerful and All Knowing
  5. God is the Author of the Greatest Love Story
  6. God is an Incarnate Savior

Part 3: Non-Christian Options

  1. Using the Worldview Tool
  2. Deism & Secular Humanism: Rely on Reason
  3. Nihilism: Dive into Despair
  4. Existentialism:  Focus on Feelings
  5. Pantheism and New Age: Become One With Everything
  6. Syncretism: Eat from the Worldview Buffet

Part 2:  Loving God in a World of Religious Confusion

  1. A God of Grace
  2. A God of Truth
  3. The Core of Christianity
  4. Christianity and Other Religions
  5. Christianity and Different Denominations
  6. God, Evil, and Suffering

Part 4: The Christian Worldview: It’s True & Trustworthy

  1. Meaning, Morality, and Social Justice
  2. Christianity and Science
  3. The Resurrection of Jesus: Evidence in the Gospels
  4. The Resurrection of Jesus: Evidence in the New Testament and Beyond
  5. The Authority of the Bible
  6. The Reliability of the Bible Manuscripts