Why Trust the Bible?
by Dr. Richard A. Knopp
It’s very old. It makes astonishing claims. It seems irrelevant. Why should we trust the Bible? This is a multimedia presentation (with Q&A) for teens, parents, and other adults at South Shores Christian Church in Decatur, Illinois.
Did you know:
- The percent of adults who believe that the Bible is the word of God dropped from about 75% in 2000 to about 50% in 2020.
- The percent of adults who believe that the Bible is true dropped from about 60% in 2000 to about 40% in 2020.
- 20% of non-christian teens say “science refutes too much of the Bible.”
- 19% of non-christian teens say that they reject the Bible because they “don’t believe in fairy tales.”
- Only 9% of teens in America are “Bible engaged,” meaning that they have a high view of Scripture and they read it regularly.
- SESSION OUTLINE on “Why Trust the Bible?”
- Chart: “Bible Timeline“
- Chart: “Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus“
- Chart: “Earliest New Testament Books and Events“
- Chart: “Greek New Testament Manuscript Timeline“
Recommended Resources
- Room For Doubt Animation: “Why Do You Still Believe?”
- Relevant videos based on the book, Truth About God, by Richard Knopp:
- Video: “Literary Styles” in the Bible by The Bible Project.
Books and Articles:
- Richard Knopp. Truth About God: What Can We Know and How Can We Know It? A short book with discussion questions and six short videos.
- Richard Knopp. “Where Will We Go Without God?”
- Richard Knopp. “Missing Bible Verses Prompt Doubts About God.” Article at Room For Doubt.
- Peter Williams. Can We Trust the Gospels?
- Rebecca McLaughlin. 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity. Includes two chapters especially relevant to the Bible’s trustworthiness: Ch. 5 “How Can You Believe the Bible is True? and Ch.6 “Hasn’t Science Disproved Christianity?”
- Michael Kruger. Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian Student on Keeping the Faith in College. Includes about 7 chapters that deal with the nature of the Bible–its claims about miracles (e.g. the resurrection of Jesus), its divine origin, its purported contradictions, its reliability after centuries of copying the texts, its inclusion of 66 ancient books (and not others), and its troubling moral passages that seem to support oppression and genocide.
- Recommended Resources for Youth and Adults (books, websites, and videos) on the Room For Doubt website. Especially note the one on “Resources for Teens and Young Adults.”
Relevant background information about teens and the Bible:
“Three Takeaways from Barna’s New Research on Teenagers and the Bible“
“Over Half of Gen Z Teens Feel Motivated to Learn More About Jesus“
- “New Global Study Reveals How Teens Around the World View the Bible“
“Are Christian Teens Influencing or Being Influenced by the World?”
“How Much Do Christian Teens Study the Bible? Insights from the Jesus Survey”