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Eastview Christian Church, Normal, IL, December 10, 2017

This webpage offers resources for a message given for Eastview Christian Church’s Jr. High in Normal, IL.  Perhaps it will be useful for others as well.  The message was the last part of a 4-part series dealing with how we can know about God, the world, and ourselves through Scripture, Tradition, Experience, and Reason.


Session Resources

Message with slides synced with audio (YouTube)

Message by Dr. Rich Knopp, Professor of Philosophy & Christian Apologetics at Lincoln Christian University – Lincoln, Illinois; Program Director of WorldViewEyes; and Program Director of Room For Doubt. For more biographical info, click HERE.

Eastview Jr. High Group at 9:00 a.m. Worship


Eastview Jr. High Group at 11:00 a.m. worship


Eastview Jr. High Worship Leading Team


Check out Room For Doubt, a website that encourages questions and honest conversations about the Christian faith.